As an illustrator, Julien Grataloup creates a dream-like world, influenced by surrealism, depicting the financial crisis or promoting a more sustainable development. Coarse-grained photocopies, collages highlighted by vivid gouache and black pen materialize pin-up scenes where a housewife from the sixties or a man wearing suit and tie seem stuck in their everyday activities. Disregarding the scale of his objects and of his bestiary, he transforms a quaint and outmoded era into an illusive heaven, populated by virtual mental projections. […]
Lyrical hallucinations out of an evanescent world or fake dreams of eternity, where everyday life is filled with symbolical fantasies, his illustrations describe an iconic world animated by an intentional sense of déjà-vu.
Catalogue 303, n°106, 2009 / Text © Eva Prouteau (translation from Jérôme Héno)
Julien Grataloup was invited to illustrate the program of the event 2009.