Rezé (Trentemoult)
Julius Popp
“Bit.Fall” is a liquid screen where each drop of water becomes a pixel. The way and rate to which the drops of water collect allow to write letters and words scrolling like endless credits. These fragile and short-lived signs become so many messages and random slogans fading one after the other. These words directly taken from the world web in real time appear suddenly and fade away on the edge of the Loire river, on the borderline between visible and invisible.
Julius Popp was born 1973 in Nurnberg in Germany. His work is as much renowned in art field as in scientific research field. Exploration and invention of a formal and useful language to express his artistic preoccupations lead him to produce machines and robot capable of interacting with their environment and at the same time capable of showing a kind of artificial intelligence. Julius Popp is represented by the Gallery Jocelyn Wolf (Paris). “Bit.Fall” has been presented at “Nuit Blanche” (sleepless night) in Paris in 2005 and in 2006 at Art Basel (Unlimited) in Bâle.
— Œuvre réalisée pour Estuaire 2007 grâce au soutien de Suez, Partenaire Officiel.