Bouguenais (Port Lavigne)
de la Culture 2007”
Honoré δ’O
Honoré δ’O‘s work is tinged with humour and is built on extreme situations.
Recalling the ceaseless and each time more thorough attempts to decode an anagram, the same elements can be found in Honoré δ’O ‘s work but in various combinations. For several years, he has been developing a work process, made up with industrially-made products: polystyrene, padding, cotton wool, fabrics, plastic ducts, bottles, adhesive tape, and so on. Artist’s creations arise from the meeting of his subjectivity (his experience, his emotions, his interests, and so on) and of the various parameters of the exhibition site (architecture, history, function, and so on).
— Œuvre réalisée pour Estuaire 2007 grâce au soutien de Suez, Partenaire Officiel, avec l’appui technique de Diluvial, Partenaire Services.