Le Voyage à Nantes | Estuaire | Les Tables de Nantes | Les Machines de l’île | Château des ducs de Bretagne | Mémorial de l’abolition de l’esclavage

“Quentin Faucompré”

Quentin Faucompré has worked on multiple projects, de-compartmentalizing all subjects with a graphic language as solid as a rock. Early on, he exhibits his work or takes part in publications, whilst collaborating with theatre producers or literary authors. […]

His drawings, individual or part of more narrative series, are silent description of the real world, or dry perversions of symbols. By expanding the narrative ellipses of some sequences or the insistent contemplation of landscapes, he invites the reader to a dream-like dimension. Faucompré domesticates the inherent violence of rituals, through his fluid, clear and “watercoloured” drawings, discreetly opening dissension zones, intriguing dialogues.
Catalogue 303, n°106, 2009 / Texts © Eva Prouteau (translation from Jérôme Héno)

Quentin Faucompré was invited to illustrate the program of the event 2009.

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